how to stay motivated

What Up, Motivation? How to Stay Driven When Times Get Tough

    Can we talk real for a second? Motivation is flaky AF. One minute you're all jazzed up and ready to smash your goals. The next - whomp, whomp - your drive takes a swan dive off a cliff. 

    I feel you. We all have days when we wake up feeling about as inspired as soggy cereal. When your motivation lag hits, the struggle bus pulls up and passion exits the building. Not! Cool!

    The big question is: how do you stay relentlessly motivated, even when you don't feeeeeel like it? I've picked up some tips along the way that help me fake it till I make it on the days when I ain't really feelin' it. Wanna grab a latte and chat?

Light That Fire: Know Your 'Why'

    First things first - if you wanna stay lit, you gotta know why you're doing what you're doing. I'm talking about your passion, purpose and vision, baby. The reason that gets you fired up and turns even the crappiest days around. That thing that makes you come alive and kicks your motivation back into gear. Take me for example. I live to empower young girls to embrace their strength. Whenever I want to throw in the towel, I remember how important it is for the next generation of women to know their worth. Boom - raring to go again! So what's your 'why'? Get clear on it and write that puppy down. 

Set Goals That Move the Needle 

If I had a dollar for every time I scribbled down a vague Resolution in my journal each January first, only to forget it by February - girl, I'd be sipping margs on a beach in Belize right now! That's why you gotta set goals with TEETH - the kind that excite you. We're talking:

T = Tangible - something you can envision and describe 

E = Exciting - makes your heart go pitter patter

E = Ethical - aligns with your values  

T = Time-bound - has a deadline

H = Hard - challenges but doesn't overwhelm you     

When your goals get you amped, that motivation flows like a river, y'all. Mine include releasing a single this year, doing a TED Talk on self-love by 2025, and learning Spanish fluently so I can teach leadership to girls internationally. ¡Sí se puede! What goals make YOU swoon?

Plan It to Can It

You got your 'why'. You set some hot goals. Now what? GIRL, you better work! Make a crazy-detailed plan to help you hustle those goals from ‘one day’ to ‘TA-DA!’ Break down each one into mini-goals, brainstorm what you need to do - resources, timeline, budget, etc - and map that baby out step-by-step. I like to use apps like Trello to organize and track things, but journaling works too. Just get it out of your head and onto paper! Planning busts overwhelm, helping your motivation soar. And ticking tasks off? Addictive AF. Try it!      

Sprinkle Some Joyful Rewards 

We all love a good gold star - don't even try to deny it! Rewarding yourself when you kick butt doesn't make you selfish. It makes you JACKED UP to conquer your next milestone! After I finished recording my first single, I treated myself to a relaxing spa weekend. And when I landed that sweet book deal? Guess who took herself on a solo vacay to Spain! Treat yo'self, I say. Choose rewards that genuinely light you up inside - not toxic stuff that brings you down. It's called balance, honey!

Get Your Crew

When my motivation leaves me starring in my own pity party, nothing re-sparks my flame faster than my soul sisters. I'm blessed to be surrounded by empowering queens who lift me higher. There's my songwriting bestie Sasha who always rallies me on tough creative days. My entrepreneur pal Layla who talks vision and possibility into me 24/7. And my mentor Tiana - the bold boss babe who reminds me I can do hard things. Build your crew and be vulnerable with them. Ask for encouragement, share challenges, celebrate wins. Let that energy re-ignite your inner fire, baby!  

        Well, that's my TED Talk on staying motivated! hair flip It's about getting clear on your purpose, setting big goals, planning your work and working your plan, rewarding yourself, and finding your people. Try out some of these ideas when you need re-up on fuel. Then hustle hard toward those goals that light you up! LMK how you get on, a'ight? Now, who wants to grab those margaritas with me in Belize? Holla! 😉✌️   

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